
Saturday, February 10, 2024

Time to Change Some Habits or Routines?

We do many things in life out of habit or routine. Some routines are good for us. They provide context and stability. Others need to change based on life phase. 

During different seasons, I have varying habits and routines. I set different rules for myself in winter than in summer. I have different rules for myself when doing paid projects with deadlines than I have now in semi-retirement. 

Some habits have to do with our mindset in that we default to a certain way of thinking. We can think in black and white instead of grey. We might default to saying no too often, to thinking why we can't do something, to making excuses, and more. It is important to keep our thoughts in check to see if they are serving us in the best way possible. 


Christian women want to excel and do our best for God, our family, and mankind. Sometimes that means breaking old habits and mindsets and developing new ones. 

A Christian speaker I listen to shared that rather than focus on the old habit or routine, we should simply start a new one and the old one will be quickly pushed aside. That sounds like good advice! Is it doable?

Old habits do need a replacement habit if we're to truly break away and move forward. Old thoughts need to be dismissed in favour of more helpful, positive thoughts. 

Habit change requires:

  1. recognizing which old habit, routine, or mindset it's time to change
  2. recognizing a new habit to put in its place
  3. recognizing what the new habit might do for us.
  4. implementing the new habit gracefully and consistently with patience
  5. realizing a shift will occur that may feel uncomfortable

Artwork by Rosalie Garde 

  • Have you identified some habits to change? 
  • Do you need to adopt some new ways of thinking? 
  • Have you asked God if there are any new habits or routines he wants you to adopt?
What will you begin with?

Pace Yourself

Let me add, I've learned a lot in the last few years about my need to pace myself. I have chronic fatigue. I can't do what I could at 30. I believe in making choices that will serve me and not overwhelm me. I believe in sustainable changes. 

When making plans for change, do consider your personal time, energy level, and ability to sustain the new habit change. This is why life coaches like to use the term baby step. It's okay to take one small step at a time over plunging in to make quick habit changes.


Examples of possible habit changes:
  • Watch the time you spend on social media and limit it.
  • Catch yourself when beginning to feel angry and reframe what is triggering you.
  • Put items away after using them.
  • Compliment people more often.
  • Run your Roomba more often.
  • Tidy your desk weekly.
  • Pray before letting your mind get worked up.
  • Put laundry away as it's done. 
  • Quit second-guessing yourself. 
  • Analyze what might be adding unnecessary stress to your life. 
  • Incorporate mindfulness or meditation into your daily routine to reduce stress.
  • Prioritize regular physical activity, even if it's just a short walk or some light stretching.
  • Prioritize healthy sleep.
  • Quit the constant search for better and be content and thankful for all you have.
  • Pat yourself on the back more frequently.

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