
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Update December 2022 - Pace Yourself and Ask God for a Guiding Word


I've been busy living my life purpose in other areas over the last little while, so haven't added much to this blog. But as the special project I was involved in winds down, I am here to check in and decide the direction of this blog going forward. 

I am so blessed that the stats show, that even with my absence, there have been many visitors. I hope those who landed here came across something worthwhile that applies to their own life. 


At times, we can take on too much. We find we are juggling too many competing priorities. That is why I stopped posting here regularly--God sent me on a path that had a greater priority and urgency. I am honoured.

Have you asked God what his priority for you is right now?


One of my mottos over 2021 & 2022 has been to PACE myself. I am working at putting perfectionism down. I am content if a project takes three times as long as I first assumed it would. 

Do you pace yourself? 


My word for 2022 was ENJOY. This year, that word came to mind often! It went along with the idea of pacing myself. I felt God saying to me--whatever you are doing should be done with enjoyment, not with stress. 

That word got me off the hook many times. I tried hard to default to it. 

I think God has already given me my word/phrase for 2023. It is LET GOD

As women, we are tempted to try to work things out--find solutions--fix ourselves or others--and work hard. But God has been showing me that it is HE that works through me. I need to LET him show me solutions, I need to let him fix me and others. I need to take the pressure off myself. For me, that may mean doing less planning and being ready to be spontaneous--to be surprised by what he tells me to do in a day. It's a very empowering way to live. 

Did you have a word for 2022? Did it guide you?

Do you have a new guiding word for 2023 yet?

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